For many wonderful years, I was a very happy, very creative inner-city high school teacher.  Suddenly, one year,  I was hit — as were so many of our nation’s lowest-income school teachers — savagely and unexpectedly by the sudden invasions demanded by those who thought to call themselves “benevolent” test-score-accountability school reformers.  Forced out of teaching along with the larger percent of our reform-greedy district’s older and more opinionated teachers, I sat down to face my overwhelming grief by trying to figure out what, exactly, had happened to me.  And it is thus that my book: Why Is You Always Got To Be Trippin’: School Reform and the Racial Divide came about.  I hope that you will read it.  I hope that you see what we are doing to our children.  I hope that you, too, will fight back.

Ciedie Aech’s Wonderful Book


There are few public school systems in America that have been more harmed by what Diane Ravich aptly dubbed “corporate education reform” than those in Denver, Colorado. Ciedie Aech tells the story of a professional educator working in the horrific and unstable environment that developed with the extra-legal federal take-over of public schools. In reality, this is a heart wrenching story, but Aech’s sarcastic humor turns it into a delight. Any teacher in America’s public k-12 system who reads “Why is you always got to be trippin” will immediately recognize many scenes Ciedie delightfully paints while telling this dreadful story.

About the Title

 “One day when noise from unsupervised students caught my attention, I stepped into the hallway to find a group of boys throwing friendly punches outside a neighboring classroom.

 “‘Gentlemen!’ I stated reactively, clearing my throat. Happy to ignore extraneous interference, the boys continued their game. ‘Gentlemen!’ I…

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